Welcome to Families in Inntroendelag

The information registered in the database/tree is mainly gathered from the book «Inntroenderslekter» published  January 1964. Responsible for the publication of the book was an administrative board with the following participants:

Mr. Julius Bye from Frol – Mr. Harald Eide from Skogn – Mrs. Agnes Lorås from Levanger – Mr. Ivar Berg from Verdal – Mr. Harald Vinje from Markabygda and Mr. Johan Holan from Skogn.

Several of the families you may review, are initiated with tenant farmers in the year of 1520. The fundament ensuring these family relations to be reasonably correct is based on the name practice, real estate circumstances and later family relations.  However, there is no way of furnish  proof of this.  Only in the register of taxpayers in the year 1666, one get to know the patronymic and the age of the tenant farmers and/or name and age of the sons (the names of the wifes and daughters were not registered).

The research itself has been carried out by Mr.  Fredrik Munkeby from Frol and Captain O. M. Skaanes from Harstad. The basis for the research being carried out originates from «Skogns historie» («The history of Skogn»), State Record Office Files  at Trondheim, The Public Record Office, Andreas Ystads Genealogical Table, local books for the municipals Verdal, Frosta og Stjørdal and from  Rasmus Fiskviks family notes. Information concerning the younger generation has been supplied by a few family members.

Quite a few family relations outside the area (Inntroendelag) are also registered. This information is collected from family members and/or official sources such as Parish Registers, Censuses etc.

When registering information  from the  book into the format of EDP (electronic data processing), the following main rule for choosing the family name has been used:

Female individuals born before 1923 have been given  patronymic with the addition of the name of the farm or place,  or  any other name used as the family name whenever this was known.

Male individuals born before 1850 have been given patronymic with the addition of the name of the farm or place,  or  any other name used as the family name whenever this was known.

Any comments to this page, please reply to: stromsoer@gmail.com